Daily Thoughts

Don’t think that meditation happens only when you sit cross-legged in one place. Meditation is any activity that brings about love, affection, the calmness of mind, and tranquility leading to the ultimate goal.Sri M Live your life like a prayer.David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D Whenever I am ‘bored’...

he essence of all that exists is Divine. So when we let go of our attachment to the linear perspective, then we become aware of the divinity of all that exists. Therefore your life is conducted at all times in the presence of God. At...

And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close as mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. "What is the purpose of all this?" he asked politely. "Everything must...

I think all the sadhana [spiritual work] we do is intended to mostly bring about the hunger for God - for that Truth. When that hunger has built up, then God is at your doorstep! Sri M   Most of us have a list of what could be different in us,...

Every Little Thing   if every little thing that you did made a difference would you do things a little different?   if every thing that you said built the world would you be the sacred keeper of your word?   would you believe me if I told you you’re the reason  we are here?   would there be meaning to your breathing if...

When fear arrives, when insecurity arises, when we feel groundless, what happens? Does is set off this chain reaction of aggression, which actually just intensifies our fear and our paranoia and our insecurity; or, these teachings that Trungpa Rinpoche gave - and the basic instruction...