Daily Thoughts

Never say any man is hopeless, because he only represents a character: a bundle of habits, which can be checked by new and better ones. Character is repeated habits, and repeated habits alone can reform character. Swami Vivekananda   The ancient teachings of Vedanta say the goal of...

You are the consciousness which is the witness of all the drama, watching in amusement as the ego plays its games and dons different masks at different times. The real you is that ever-blissful, unchanging, blessed consciousness. Sri M   There is the real me. And there is...

Human life is like the bubble that appears in the stream. You see it one moment and then, the next moment, it is gone. Sri M   One of the interesting things about human life is the shift from our early life experience of time and how it...

Happiness is a state of mind not dependent on anything you possess. Sri M   It’s a great question to ask: where can we find happiness?   This is a question we answer for ourselves nearly every day, perhaps without even knowing we’re doing it. For many of us the...

t is not quick or easy, we find, to allow the true self or to allow the true God. The task of life is the gradual unveiling of both… Resurrection takes care of itself. It comes naturally once the false self is abandoned. But what...

Self-worth is not created; it is discovered. Richard Rohr, What the Mystics Know   Many of us seem to suffer from a sense of low self-worth. We look around and see all that we don’t have. We look within and see thoughts and feelings that speak to us of...

Every particle of the world is a mirror, In each atom lies the blazing light of a thousand suns. Cleave the heart of a rain-drop, a hundred pure oceans will flow forth. Look closely at a grain of sand, the seed of a thousand beings can be seen. Mahmoud Shabestari   A recent study...

Love says, 'I am everything.' Wisdom says, 'I am nothing.' Between these two my life flows. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj   Who am I? Am I this body? These thoughts? This packet of desires?    Am I the religion I practice? The money I make? The gender I am? The opinions...

Detachment is a natural process and it happens when you get attached to something higher.  Then attachment to smaller things falls off. Sri M   It’s pretty simple, isn’t it? If I’m living in attachment to anything worldly – making more money, finding true love, getting her or...

If the Supreme Being is all-pervading Brahman (Totality) and is also in our hearts as a spark, why do you worship?  In the 12th chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna that while you can conceive of the Supreme Being as the formless almighty, human...