Daily Thoughts

(originally published in April, 2013. Thanks again, Marie.)   There's this guy in New York--I say it's a guy, it could be a woman--last spring there was somebody who was drawing on the sidewalk in blue chalk. And all it said was "Happiness"--a big "Happiness" with a...

Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here. Marianne Williamson   Sometimes our minds are a steady stream of what should be feared--out there in the world, in here with myself, everywhere. As if there were nowhere to be safe.   These fears seem so...

You are the sky. Everything else - it's just the weather. Pema Chödrön   Pain occurs. Pain is the body's way of communicating that something is amiss. When I step on a piece of glass, a nerve message is sent to my brain to indicate that I have...

Ishavasyam idam sarvam – that Supreme Being pervades everything here.Yat kincha jagatyam jagat – that which moves and that which does not move.Tena tyaktena bhunjitha – therefore, give up and rejoice! Sri M from Ishavasya Upanishad     [W]e had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything...

It is impossible for the human mind to remain a human mind and at the same time to understand God. Only God's mind can understand God. Only when the human mind is so relieved of its humanness that it becomes God's mind, even to you,...

The paths are many, and the goal is total fullness and completeness. This is what we are all seeking though we may not be spiritually inclined. If even a few people understand this and start living this way, we can change the world. Sri M   The human-ness...

So: How can you surrender the ego to god?   First become acquainted with what is the ego. It's the persistence of the animal instinct, but now elaborated through mind, the intellect, and given authenticity by the mutual agreement of society.   Paying attention to current events - what...

If we really understand what the universe is about, we need never fear letting go of anything.   We live in an infinite universe that continually is evolving. This is all that nature knows how to do: evolve.    We are nature. As individual expressions of nature, this is...