Daily Thoughts

Student: I am unable to have peace of mind. I am planning to go to the Himalayas in search of it. Ramana Maharshi: You have travelled 250 miles from Madurai and come here. How much mental quietness have you got? Multiply it by the distance from here to Himalayas to measure the...

Enlightenment is not something that occurs in the future, after 50 years of sitting cross-legged and saying "OM." It is right here, in this instant. The reason you're not experiencing this state of total peace and timelessness is because it is being resisted. It is being resisted because you...

What can you do about the future? You can be devoted to beauty. You can be devoted to all that is sacred. David Hawkins, MD, PhD When fear strikes, we sometimes automatically try to 'figure out' how to fix things. Fix our problems. Fix our life. But in spiritual terms, our life...

We loosely talk of Self-realization, for lack of a better term. But how can one realize or make real that which alone is real? All we need to do is to give up our habit of regarding as real that which is unreal. All religious practices are meant solely...

Each one of us is a lovely stream flowing into the great ocean of love and compassion, of goodness and energy, the Supreme Reality, which is God. Different we may be, but we emanate from the same source and to the same source we return. Sri M At any given...

Let go and rejoice – let none of your hurts and negativities stick to you. Throw them away – let go of them. Then, be free and rejoice in the bliss of the tranquil mind which is at the core of your being. That’s the secret of happiness! Sri M All...

Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves. Nisargadatta Maharaj es·sence 1. the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. What is our essence; the thing in us that never changes? Certainly not our thoughts or our feelings. The very nature of...

What you focus on with sustained intention is what you become. William Tiller, Ph.D., in an interview from the book Consciousness by Eva Herr  ____________________ This universe is an observer-dependent universe. --/-- Who is the observer? God is the observer, nature is the observer,  I am the observer. --/-- Attention, observation--that which is attended to grows, that which is observed is reflected...

When you know beyond all doubting that the same life flows through all that is and you are that life, you will love all naturally and spontaneously. When you realize the depth and fullness of your love of yourself, you know that every living being and the entire universe...