Daily Thoughts

Rohr wakes around 5:45 A.M. each day and spends an hour praying wordlessly. “I’m trying to find my way to yes,” he told me, adding that he often wakes up in a state of no. Griswold, Eliza (2020, February 2). Richard Rohr Reorders the Universe, The...

Between living and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess it. Antonio Machado   All happiness is self-referral happiness. If I have no relationship with my inner Self, I will not be capable of happiness.   Happiness is not something that we achieve. Happiness is something we uncover through our inner work,...

What bars us from finding ‘That’ is too much knowledge, too much ego, too much feeling that ‘I know’. Nobody is ready to say ‘I don’t know’. In fact, in the present circumstances, there are more gurus than disciples. What to do? If one can...

How does the ordinary person come to the transcendent? For a start, I would say, study poetry. Learn how to read a poem. You need not have the experience to get the message, or at least some indication of the message. It may come gradually. Joseph...

You cannot really classify spiritual progress into any category and say logically that you can go from step 1 to step 2, and then to step 3. It's an abandonment of everything. So, all rules are broken down and one moves towards the goal, throwing everything to the...

Most people spend their whole lives using their strengths to cover up and hide their weaknesses. They expend tremendous energy in keeping themselves a house divided. But if you surrender to your weakness, therein lies your pathway to genius. A person who knows and utilizes...

Love everything, all the time. Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.   There is one sure way to achieve enlightenment. I have written it before, but it cannot be stated too many times. Love everything, all the time. Love everyone all the time. It may take a while,...

Mystery 7: Do we live in a conscious universe?
Answer: Yes. But this won’t make any sense if your notion of a conscious universe is filed with thoughts, sensations, images, and feelings. Those are the contents of the mind. Remove the contents and what remains is pure consciousness, which is silent, unmoving, beyond time and space, yet filled with creative potential. Pure consciousness gives rise to everything, including the human mind. In that sense, we don’t live in a conscious universe the way renters occupy a rental property. We participate in the same consciousness that is the universe.
Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos, You Are the Universe
Meditation, mindfulness, present moment awareness – in addition to bringing us into the world, rather than lost in our thinking, these practices are designed to allow us the experience of pure consciousness. Beyond all thought, imagination, feelings, body sensations; beyond all opinions and ideas, judgments and perceptions; pure, silent consciousness is the underlying truth of what we are.
To know myself as pure consciousness is to be free of all problems, limitations, needs. For if I am at-one-with all that is, there is nothing outside myself to need, no problem without a solution, no thing I might be unable to accomplish. This is enlightenment.
Of course this is speaking to an ideal. And we may not be able to imagine ourselves coming close to such enlightenment. 
But it might be a good thing to remember today when the boss looks at me funny, or the traffic is already crazy by 6 am, or the spouse/child/parent/coworker does that thing they know drives us me the wall, maybe just to see me react. 
It might be a good thing to remember that consciousness is the truth under all this. That love is the flow of consciousness to consciousness, from me to you. And that every situation will be uplifted as I bring my consciousness and love to it.
Today I will remember that deep within me is the fullness of consciousness, that the thoughts and feelings I may have are not the truth of me; and as I know this for myself, I can know it for you. And if we both can know it at the same moment, just imagine what might be possible.
Lemon tree and Urn, tintype

All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you. Joseph Campbell   The Aitareya Upanishad contains one of the creation myths from of the Vedic culture. It’s fascinating to see the parallels in it to the stories we have in Judeo-Christian mythology.   In the beginning the Spirit was...