Daily Thoughts

When they tried to understand how the mind traps itself, the ancient Indian sages devised the key concept of samskara (from two Sanskrit word roots that mean "to flow together"). A samskara is a groove in the mind that makes thoughts flow in the same direction. Buddhist psychology makes sophisticated...

Truth is infinite. So, there must be infinite ways of approaching it. Truth is like the sun; there is nothing secret about it. It is open to all, especially now when the human brain has evolved enough to look at it accurately. No more [secrets]! Sri...

If [the need to be present and not caught up with your thinking] resonates with you and you start practicing with it in your meditation and in your daily life, and your willingness grows to learn to stay -- which takes courage -- then what really starts to happen...

Life rarely unfolds exactly as we want it to. And if we stop and think about it, that makes perfect sense. The scope of life is universal, and the fact that we are not actually in control of life's events should be self-evident. The universe has been around for...

That's what I consider true generosity. You give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing. Simone De Beauvoir _______________ What is the best way to deal with those who have an emotionally draining effect on you? Some people have a very energizing effect on me while...

Don’t think that meditation happens only when you sit cross-legged in one place. Meditation is any activity that brings about love, affection, the calmness of mind, and tranquility leading to the ultimate goal. Sri M Live your life like a prayer. David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D Whenever I am ‘bored’ in my life, and whenever...

It is because God is hidden in all creatures that all creatures are searching all the time for God. This remains just as true even though in their ignorance they usually mistake the object of their search and believe that it is something else. Only on the quest...

The essence of all that exists is Divine. So when we let go of our attachment to the linear perspective, then we become aware of the divinity of all that exists. Therefore your life is conducted at all times in the presence of God. At all times, you...