Daily Thoughts

[T]here is a profound connection between blindness, abstract thought, poetry, and spiritual wisdom. Homer, the father of all poets, discovered his literary vocation only when he was no longer encumbered with a sense of vision. Democritus, the inventor of the atom, plucked out his eyes to think more clearly....

It is impossible for the human mind to remain a human mind and at the same time to understand God. Only God's mind can understand God. Only when the human mind is so relieved of its humanness that it becomes God's mind, even to you,...

The paths are many, and the goal is total fullness and completeness. This is what we are all seeking though we may not be spiritually inclined. If even a few people understand this and start living this way, we can change the world. Sri M The human-ness of us always...

So: How can you surrender the ego to god? First become acquainted with what is the ego. It's the persistence of the animal instinct, but now elaborated through mind, the intellect, and given authenticity by the mutual agreement of society. Paying attention to current events--what you see is every ego mechanism played...

If we really understand what the universe is about, we need never fear letting go of anything. We live in an infinite universe that continually is evolving. This is all that nature knows how to do: evolve. We are nature. As individual expressions of nature, this is all we truly...

If you have weapons, take them home; if you do not have them, please do not seek to get them. We cannot solve this problem through retaliatory violence. We must meet violence with nonviolence. Remember the words of Jesus: 'He who lives by the sword will perish by the...

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,  Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand  And Eternity in an hour. William Blake, from Auguries of Innocence One day a few years ago, I took a friend's photo. They wanted "something outdoors, with...

Sayadaw U Pandita came to Barre to teach a three-month retreat when I first met him. As a student, I diligently wrote down brief notes after each period of sitting and walking meditation. I wanted to describe my experiences clearly in our interviews.  When I began relating my experiences,...

When your mind is filled with love, send it in one direction, then a second, a third, and a fourth, then above, and then below. Identify with everything, without hatred, resentment, anger, or enmity. This mind of love is very wide. It grows immeasurably and eventually is able...

God may forgive your sins, but your nervous system won't. Alfred Korzybski  Most of us have at least something we do that doesn't fit in with who we'd like to be, the way we'd like to be seen by the world, the way we'd like to be...