Daily Thoughts

But there come times-perhaps this is one of them - when we have to take ourselves more seriously or die; when we have to pull back from the incantations, rhythms we've moved to thoughtlessly, and disenthrall ourselves, bestow ourselves to silence, or a deeper listening, cleansed of oratory, formulas, choruses, laments,...

There is a Universal Wholeness seeking expression through everything. We are calling it simply Life. The religionist calls it God. The philosopher calls it Reality. Life is infinite energy coupled with limitless creative imagination.    We seek a 'spiritual experience' because each of us feels the truth...

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. Attributed to Philo   In 1882, Oscar Wilde, on a lecture tour, spoke at the Tabor Opera house in Leadville, Colorado, at the time a major center of silver mining.   Wilde later recounted a visit to a local...

There is nothing to fear, and to live with this understanding is called holistic living. Holistic living is to live with the understanding the blissful Supreme Being pervades the entire universe and we are a part of it! To live like that, it has to...

The Knowledge of the Self liberates a man from desire, fear, and death.   We don't seek knowledge of the self because it's the right thing to do or because it will make us better people, though both of these may be true. We seek knowledge of...

Although we known nothing of [the Yoga Sutra's] author save the name Patanjali, we can be certain that he was devoted, along with countless predecessors, to the eradication of suffering. Because he believed that human suffering stems from an ingrained but reversible tendency to misconstrue...

An Indian grandfather tells his grandson, "I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is vengeful, fearful, envious, resentful, deceitful. The other wolf is loving, compassionate, generous, truthful and serene."   The grandson asks which wolf will win the fight.   The grandfather answers, "The one I...

Spiritual experience is a fact. Spirituality may be defined as an atmosphere of good, the realization of God. It cannot--and does not--borrow its light from another, no matter how great or noble that other may be. It springs from within, coming from that never-failing fountain...

The great secret that illusion hides from us is that we are always connected to the true self, which exists at the level of the soul. The true self drives personal evolution. It sends messages through intuition, insight and imagination. It arranges the best possible...