Daily Thoughts

I am of the nature of Absolute Existence, Absolute Consciousness, and Absolute Bliss. Shri Shankaracharya, Nirvana Shatakam   Adi Shankara, the teacher who reinvigorated the study of the Veda in India in the early 9th Century, did something that had never been done before. He brought the teachings...

I don't think mystics are set apart from ordinary people. they are just better quantum navigators. They journey into the transition zone closer to God, and while we might visit there for a few moments of joy, at most a few days, saints and mystics...

All that a guru can tell you is: 'My dear Sir, you are quite mistaken about yourself. You are not the person you take yourself to be.' Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj   If I am not the thoughts and feelings that occur to me; if I am not this...

[Marconi] points out that the amount of the universe a human can experience is statistically, like, zero percent. You've got this huge universe, trillions of trillions of miles of empty space between galaxies, and all a human can perceive is a little tunnel a few...

On the main road into the city when the sun is low. The traffic thickens, crawls. It is a sluggish dragon glittering. I am one of the dragon's scales. Suddenly the red sun is right in the middle of the windscreen streaming in. I am transparent and writing becomes visible inside me words in invisible ink which...

To the ego, a "want" is interpreted as a "need" and a "have to have." Thus, its seeking can become frantic, and all caution can be thrown to the wind. Desires are thereby escalated to being desperate and demanding any sacrifice, including even the deaths...