Daily Thoughts

HELL   Hell is   no escape.   and no acceptance.          2  HEAVEN   Ah, heaven.   Heaven is   more complicated.   Michael Lally, It Takes One to Know One: Poetry & Prose     Today I will find poetry in something I do, in something I read, in something I think, in someone I love. And I will give quiet thanks...

I am now face to face with dying, but I am not finished with living. Oliver Sacks, Gratitude   I once sat across a table from a conversation between a former nun and her friend. They both were in their 70s. The nun was referencing a mutual acquaintance, saying, "She...

Eventually it will be seen that all thoughts are resistance. They are all images that the mind has made to prevent us from experiencing what actually is. When we have been letting go for a while and have begun experiencing what is really going on,...

Whatever it is that occurs at death, I believe it deserves to be called a miracle. The miracle, ironically, is that we don't die. The cessation of the body is an illusion, and like a magician sweeping aside a curtain, the soul reveals what lies...

Student: I am unable to have peace of mind. I am planning to go to the Himalayas in search of it.   Ramana Maharshi: You have travelled 250 miles from Madurai and come here. How much mental quietness have you got? Multiply it by the distance from here to...

Enlightenment is not something that occurs in the future, after 50 years of sitting cross-legged and saying "OM." It is right here, in this instant. The reason you're not experiencing this state of total peace and timelessness is because it is being resisted. It is...