30 Sep Sadhana Part II, or Living in the Material World – September 30 2018
Sadhana, spiritual exertion towards an intended goal. from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
Sadhana, spiritual exertion towards an intended goal. from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when...
We must believe in God before we know Him. Sri Aurobindo ...
The ''kingdom of Heaven'' is a condition of the heart - not something that comes ''upon the earth'' or ''after death." ...
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. ...
The state we call realization is simply being oneself, not knowing anything or becoming anything. If one has realized, he is that which alone is,...
Krishna [God incarnated as man] represents love, thus love is a comprehensive panacea for all ills. If you really understand the meaning of it -...
Just as an acorn holds the potential to become an oak tree, we already possess the capacity to awaken. According to Patanjali, the underlying purpose...
Emotional maturity begins with knowing that thoughts aren't actions. Having a bad thought isn't the same as carrying it out. Guilt doesn't recognize the difference. ...