Enliven Your Meditation Practice & Expand Your Consciousness: A Course in Vedic Knowledge Five-Part Series Continues: Part III, September 29-October 1, 2023
(Recordings of Parts I and II may be accessed by anyone who wishes to join us for the third installment in September.)
Interested in expanding your spiritual knowledge and deepening your Vedic meditation practice? Join us for A Course in Vedic Knowledge with Jeff Kober (CVK). We’ll study in depth the philosophy and worldview behind Vedic meditation, building a paradigm for a life well-lived. We will also learn advanced techniques that promote powerful stress release and greater adaptability in our increasingly hectic world.
The Vedas are texts that originated in India at least 5,000 years ago and that offer spiritual wisdom cognized by rishis, or ancient seers, who were able to see deeply into the movement of the laws of nature.
A study of this ancient Vedic knowledge is an examination of the subtle mechanics of reality from which we can form a blueprint for living that is surprisingly applicable to modern life.
What to Expect
This advanced course is open to Vedic meditators who have received a mantra from Jeff or any other trained Vedic meditation instructor. It will be offered during five weekends in 2023-2024 in-person in Los Angeles (up to 8 people in order of registration) and on Zoom, facilitated by Diana Charkalis and Trudi Roth (aka The Shakti Sisters). Programming will begin on Friday evening and conclude on Sunday afternoon.
In each weekend-long session, Jeff will dive deeply into this ancient wisdom and teach you how to apply its principles to modern life. Along the way, Diana and Trudi will provide handouts, snacks, comic relief, and other resources to enrich the journey and make it even more accessible to householders with busy lives. The final session of each weekend will be a Q&A with Jeff.
We hope you can join us for these adventures in consciousness!
Course Dates:
- CVK 1 and CVK 2 have been completed. (Recordings may be listened to by anyone who wishes to join us for the third installment in September.)
- CVK 3: Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2023
- CVK 4: Dec. 1-3, 2023
- CVK 5: TBD
Weekend Schedule:
- 6-8 p.m. PT
- Rounding: 7-830 a.m. (Optional)
- Class: 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m.
- Light refreshments are included.
- Rounding: 7-830 a.m. (Optional)
- Class: 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-2 p.m.
- Live Q&A with Jeff: 2 p.m.
- Light refreshments are included.
How to Enroll
Each weekend course is $600.
(If you would like to enroll for the entire 5-week course, you may do so at a discounted rate.)
To enroll, please complete the registration form here.
We accept the following forms of payment:
Venmo: @jeff-kober
PayPal: vedicmeditation@mac.com
For those accepted into the Initiator Training (IT) program (2023-2024), this course is mandatory and included in the fee you’re paying for IT.
Questions? Please email jkober@mac.com and dcharkalis@gmail.com