The Ever Expanding Quality of Life – November 4 2018

The Ever Expanding Quality of Life – November 4 2018

Look at a river, it furrows through the sand, on both sides there are banks. It builds its own banks. Oh, it floods sometimes but that does not mean that you can freeze it and hold it in one place. This movement of life, the ever-expanding quality of life, that is Brahman…. the Supreme Reality…. which, if you break your illusions and look at freely, you will realize…. is part of you and you are a part of it. In fact, the word Brahman comes from the Sanskrit root, ‘brh’ which means ever expanding, never stagnating, moving, full of life, acting. This is the search for the Brahman and the examination of the illusions that prevent us from doing so.
Sri M
Life is challenging. Even when we are not beset by a particular ‘problem,’ our days and nights in this modern age are filled with the ever-demanding ‘doings’ of a life. Without intervention, we rarely stop and look at ourselves and our world for the underlying truths – the realities that, when sought, always will lead us to a more expansive, more satisfying experience of our life.
So we read something like the quote above. We stop for 20 minutes twice each day to meditate. And in so doing, we offer ourselves the opportunity for this ‘search for the Brahman,’ and ‘the examination of the illusions that prevent us from doing so.’
This is the formula for a life fully lived. We can begin today.
Today I will take the time to ask what I am valuing in my day. Where am I placing my attention? Am I reminding myself of the underlying truths of life? Am I seeing myself as a perfect, whole and complete expression of the Supreme Reality? And I will meditate, twice, to help support these practices in my day.