Two Wolves – April 6 2019

Two Wolves – April 6 2019

An Indian grandfather tells his grandson, “I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is vengeful, fearful, envious, resentful, deceitful. The other wolf is loving, compassionate, generous, truthful and serene.”
The grandson asks which wolf will win the fight.
The grandfather answers, “The one I feed.”
Native American story as related by 
Sharon Salzberg, Real Happiness
What we pay attention to grows. This is not to suggest that we should willfully ignore our ‘problems;’ it is however to suggest that attention paid to solutions is far more valuable than attention paid to what is wrong, in our own life, in our friends and family, in the world.
What we pay attention to grows. In the garden of our world, we wish to water the flowers and the fruit trees, rather than the weeds.
Today I will choose to pay attention to what is right in my world and what is right in the people around me.
Bud Powell, first portrait in new photo studio, Studio City, CA