You are Not the Voice of the Mind – November 8 2020

You are Not the Voice of the Mind – November 8 2020

There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.

Michael A. Singer, 

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself


I’m sitting in the backyard, listening to the wind chimes and the rumble of the occasional airplane, traffic in distance. Typical LA afternoon sounds. There’s a beautiful cool breeze, a welcome respite from the heat of the day. Oranges swing from their branches, and light from a colored-glass hanging dances along the wall at my side. 




What am I going to write? Does anyone even read this? Does anyone care what you have to say? Don’t expose yourself. Don’t be flowery. I used the word ‘nay’ in a sentence today. Matt N. called me on it. (But I did it for his amusement, didn’t I? I’m not the kind of guy who would use ‘nay’ in a sentence except ironically. Right?) God, I’m fat. But I don’t feel particularly fat right now. Well you are. Oh, God…




For me, I’ll take the one with the wind chimes.


Happy autumn day.


Today I will pay attention to the world I live in, rather than to the one painted by the chattering of the mind.

Garage and tree, Young County, Texas